It is that time of year for poison ivy and other plants that cause irritation to the skin. Actually, I’ve probably had poison ivy in the winter as much as in the summer! This year it is coming up in my flower bed with full force.
I have been terribly allergic to Poison Ivy and Poison Oak all my life. I don’t have to see it, or realize that I have gotten in it, to get a rash. Summers can be horrible and winter as well, especially if you cut wood for the fireplace or wood burning stove. Never ever burn wood with poison ivy vines on it or it can get in your eyes.
Sharing the things, I have used, what works and what doesn’t!
The Pink Stuff – (sorry can’t remember the name) I hate it, it doesn’t help and flakes off and makes a yucky mess.
Bleach- Yep, scrap the tops off and pour bleach over it. I was at camp one summer and I had a terrible place on my arm. I asked if anyone had bleach. Somebody did and I poured it on my arm. The camp nurse had a fit! LOL! I had been doing this forever. This does work, but probably is not good for you. Fifty years ago, we did a lot of things, that people today think will kill you. We survived drinking out of a water hose.
Oatmeal Bath– I did this once and don’t think it helped, never did it again.
SHOTS– somewhere along the way, our family doctor said I could get shots to keep from getting poison ivy. Really, are you kidding me? I did get them, 1 a week for 3 weeks and then I think it was a yearly booster. This was a life saver. I haven’t had them in years, but they did build up my immunity to it. I have had two bad cases in my adult life, but not like I use to. Surely the shots are available from an allergy doctor. Our doctor was the good old family doctor that just isn’t available these days.
LYE Soap! If you have been exposed, wash as soon as possible with the Lye Soap. The Lye soap will cut the oil off of your skin. And WASH your CLOTHES by themselves. You can also mix up a paste with the Lye soap and put it on the rash. Lye soap use to be hard to find. i use to get it at Flea Markets or our local feed store sometimes carried it. Now Amazon carries Grandma’s lye soap!
Socks & Starch– If you get a rash on a joint area, such as the fold in your elbow. Cut the top off of a sock, and slip it on your arm. Pour corn starch down in the sock and it will keep the area dry.
Monistat Creme! I had a really, really bad case and it was getting close to my eye, so I went to the doctor. I am really not sure what IT was. It didn’t look like any of the rashes that I have ever had. I didn’t know of anything that I had gotten in to. At this time, I was introduced to Monistat… He gave me prescription for Monistat. I look at him and said, “That is not what this is used for.” He says to me, “It works to dry up Yeast Infections and works to dry up Poison Ivy.” And yes, it did! Luckily, it can be bought over the counter now! Or order from Amazon, here
I hope my hints might help someone out!
*****Don’t be a lurker, feel free to leave comments…. if this helps you….Or if you have other hints, please share! 🙂 Thanks for reading!
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