Who We Are?

About Us

Hello from the south!  I’m Melinda and I am so happy that you have stumbled across my page.  I’ve been married 30+ years to a Unicorn. We have 2 adult children, women. I love too many things to have just one blog niche!  Follow along for DIY, renovations, gardening, horseback riding, camping, cruises, spirits and random Life.  

I hope that I can inspire you to step out of your comfort zone!  Sometimes, I fly by the seat of my pants and according to others, I fly a broom.  I am no expert on anything, but that doesn’t stop me from tackling a project.  I love to take Fugly to Fabulous, or better on a budget! 

Extraordinary Experiences

I have always told my children to follow their gut!  If you feel something is unsafe, don’t do it.  If you have a bad feeling about someone, don’t ignore the feeling. If a random idea pops in your head, pay attention.  When I say random, I mean your watching TV and all of a sudden you feel you need to call a specific person.  Pause the TV and call that person.  There will be a reason.  Pay attention to the signs.  God and Angels are always with you.

I was about 2 months pregnant wth my second child.  It was 1994 and we ran Barrels every Friday night at a club show in the Summer.  I was hoping to finish riding through the season.  At this time in my life, I lived and breathed barrel racing.  It was time to warm up my horse and my saddle was making a creaking noise.  I got off several times and checked over my saddle to make sure everything looked ok.  They called my name to come running.  At the second barrel, something happened, and I flew off!  I swear an angel caught me.  If was like someone sat me down on the ground.  Others said the same, that it looked as thou, I had been sat down on the ground.  Of course, it scared my husband to death!  The saddle noise was a warning!  It didn’t make that noise after that night. 

Our Core Values

God, Family and Being a nice person, cost nothing!  A simple smile or thank you can literally change someone’s day. 



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